Get started
Get started with Whisk SDK in just a few lines of code.
Whisk SDK provides a suite of modular kits for seamless integration with the blockchain data pipeline. Each kit includes:
- Customizable React components for rapid development.
- React Hooks and SDK Core APIs for programmatic access to Whisk data.
npm i @paperclip-labs/whisk-sdk
Import styles at the top of your layout or app
import "@paperclip-labs/whisk-sdk/styles.css"
// Other style imports below
Generate API key
The API key will be sent to your email address.
Wrap App in WhiskSdkProvider
"use client";
import { WhiskSdkProvider } from "@paperclip-labs/whisk-sdk";
export default function Providers({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
return (
apiKey="<YOUR_API_KEY>" // Check your email from prev step.
// Define configuration for each kit you plan to use.
// See respective Kit docs for full config.
identity: {
resolvers: ["base", "uni", "nns", "ens", "farcaster"],
Use the SDK
To use a specific kit, simply import and utilize its components. Whisk SDK is optimized for tree-shaking, so only the imports you use will be included in your bundle.
For example, the Identity Kit:
import { Name, Avatar } from "@paperclip-labs/whisk-sdk/identity";
function ExampleComponent() {
// This could come from a connected wallet via Wagmi, ethers.js, web3.js, Privy, etc.
const address = "0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045";
return (
<div className="flex items-center gap-2">
<Avatar address={address} size={30} />
<Name address={address} />
You can customize all components via configuring the Whisk SDK Theme with CSS variables, or with tailwindCSS using the className prop.
More docs on this coming soon.